Sequence Set-Up and Sending a Test Email

Sequence Set-Up and Sending a Test Email

Preparing your email sequence messages is just the first step in launching a successful campaign on Sales Booster. To ensure your campaign is set up correctly and to test its effectiveness, it's important to configure campaign settings and conduct thorough testing. In this guide, we will walk you through the necessary steps to optimize your campaign's settings and test your email sequences.

Step 1: Configuring Campaign Settings

Once you have finalized your email sequence messages, proceed to set up the campaign details.

  1. Click on the "Settings" icon to access the campaign settings section.
  2. Configure the settings - desired number of emails to be sent per day, timing preferences for email delivery, and the frequency of sending.
  3. After adjusting the settings, click on "Save" to confirm and apply your configurations.

Recommended settings are highlighted in the platform, but you have the flexibility to customize them according to your needs.

We suggest sending emails on weekdays, preferably Tuesday to Thursday, with a maximum of 50 emails per day (considering your domain's warm-up status). It's advisable to send emails between 8 AM to 5 PM, aligned with working hours, and to avoid weekends. Additionally, set your messages to be sent out in your timezone or the timezone of your target audience. Use a time span of 5-10 minutes between each message for optimal delivery and engagement.

Step 2: Sending a Test Sequence

Before launching your campaign, it's crucial to send a test sequence to ensure everything is set up correctly.

  1. Click on "Test sequence" to initiate the testing process.
  2. Choose the email address where you want to send the test sequence, either to yourself or another preferred email address.
  3. Click on "Send preview" to deliver the entire sequence to the selected email address.
  4. Review the test sequence in your inbox and verify that all variable fields, links, and formatting have been set correctly.

Step 3: Launching the Campaign

After reviewing the test sequence and ensuring everything is in order, you are ready to start your campaign.

With the settings configured and the test sequence successfully completed, proceed to launch the campaign and begin reaching your target audience.

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